
Privacy Policy


Welcome to ("we", "our", "us"). We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy notice, or our practices with regards to your personal information, please contact us at [email protected].

What Data We Are Processing

We collect data through a third-party account. If you do not authorize such data collection, please do not log in with a social network. Data we may collect when you use our service anonymously or when you are linked to a third party log-in include:

  • Page load time
  • Network information
  • Unique browser ID
  • Social network unique ID
  • Email
  • Chosen nickname
  • Room number you have played in
  • Reference origin
  • IP address
  • Profile picture link
  • How many times you visit the game
  • The amount of time you spend on the game
  • Text and words interactions in-game

Purpose of Data Collection

  • To improve our Services
  • To ensure you comply with our terms
  • To enhance the Services for analysis and reporting purposes and to provide technical support or answer your questions, including the data used to record any failures in our provision of the Services. Therefore, we can report such interruptions
  • To provide contextual advertisements that are of interest to you

How We Process Data

We use Cloudflare for data processing. For more information, please review Cloudflare's privacy policy at

Use of Cookies

We may use "cookies" to improve the user experience. Your web browser is responsible for controlling and sharing your information through cookies. These cookies enable us to hold session information as you navigate our Services, improve your experience, and track and analyze usage and other statistical information.

Here are some examples of ways we can use cookies when it is strictly necessary:

  • Keep you logged in while you are visiting
  • Allow you to navigate on our Services freely
  • Show you relevant ads using your interests as a base

Do Not Track ("DNT") is a privacy preference that users can set in specific web browsers. Please note that we do not respond to or honor DNT signals or similar mechanisms transmitted by web browsers.


We will keep the data as long as it is relevant and valuable for its originally collected purpose and, otherwise, when required by law.

Data Protection

We are committed to the safety of your information. Here are some measures we take to improve it:

  • Cryptography on our server communication, including personal information
  • Highly secure server access architecture
  • Internal policy of restricting access to the server's data

Although we strive to protect your data and privacy, no security method or firewall can be guaranteed to protect information from hackers or human error. Consequently, we expressly disclaim responsibility or liability for the loss, theft, destruction, or inadvertent disclosure of your data.

Request Data Deletion and Legal Disclosure

If you would like to request the deletion of your data or have any legal questions regarding our privacy practices, please contact us at [email protected].

Liability and Open Source Information

We are not liable for any content or actions taken on our site. The entire project, except for a small part, is open source and can be viewed on our GitHub repository at The host of the repository is not responsible for this platform and it is hosted by another person or organization.